• Phone & Fax 09 378 6890
  • Address 45 Mackelvie St,
    Ponsonby, Auckland
  • Opening Hours
    • Monday - Thursday: 7.30am to 7pm
    • Friday: 7.30am to 4pm
    • Saturday: 9am to 12pm

Email Us


We have four car parks for you. Often there can be crossover with people coming in, so please park in the car park and come into reception to see when the next spot will be available. Wheelchair access to Ponsonby Physiotherapy is via the main entrance. Please be aware that we have no wheelchair toilet facilities.

Client Feedback

Thank you for choosing Ponsonby Physio! If you have had a great experience with us recently, please make our day and let us know. We also realise that despite our best intentions, from time to time our service may not meet your expectations. We value the chance to recognise this and improve things. The owner of Ponsonby Physiotherapy is Toni Strong – if you have some feedback you would like to share please email Toni on toni@ponsonbyphysio.co.nz  or call 09 378 6890. Thank you!

You are welcome to bring a support person to the treatment session.
More information regarding this and your rights as a client are displayed in our reception area.

Patient Portal

Please log in to access your programme prescribed for you by your physiotherapist.